Dear friends,
Regent College Marketplace Institute, in partnership with Vocatio Creation and HKPES, is offering an innovative, engaging and interactive learning program to better equip men and women to approach and work in the world of business and finance in a more humanising way.
Who should attend?
- Business, Professional, Political and Church leaders will gain additional insight on the integration of a Christian worldview with work, business and the economic arena.
- Emerging leaders in all of these arenas will be challenged to think Christianly about the social and economic dimensions of life.
- Leaders who do not consider themselves Christian but who are sympathetic to or interested in the relationship between Christianity and work/business will find the evening lectures and the business seminar especially relevant. Material at these events will be presented with the minimum of religious jargon or assumption.
What can I expect from these events?
Participants can expect to be challenged and stimulated by clear, fresh, dynamic presentations on one of the most central aspects of life: work. International speakers with both academic and business experience will interact with local respondents and make time to discuss material with participants. Time will also be given for participants to meet, discuss and learn from one another. Throughout these events will seek to bridge the gap between the best academic thinking and the most creative business practice in order to help develop a genuinely fresh approach to market economies, business and work that takes human nature seriously.
Enclosed please find an e-brochure as well as a short article introducing the events. You may also check out the full program details at www.vocatiocreation.com.hk.
Looking forward to meeting you in the events.
Philip Wu/Vocatio Creation Ltd

click to see a snap of the schedule that day.