"Americans worship their work, work at their play, and play at their worship."
- Gordon Dahl
"In nothing has the church so lost her hold on reality as in her failure to understand and respect the secular vocation."
- Dorothy Sayers
"When I hear someone say. 'I couldn't work for a corporation with a profit motive or which demands more than 40 hours a week,' I say something like this 'Do you know that the Christian slaves to whom Paul wrote were working sixteen hours a day for masters that were fornicating with female slaves, making dirty business deals with trade from other parts of the Roman Empire and going to baths and the gymnasium at night for orgies?' To these slaves, Paul says, 'Treat your masters as though they were Jesus.' 'Threat your masters as though they were Jesus.' You are not working for them but for Jesus. And it is worship."
- Paul Stevens, Liberating the Laity
"If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo carved marble. Sweep streets as Shakespeare wrote pictures. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven will have to say, 'Here lives the street sweeper who did his job well.'"
- Martin Luther King
"True godliness doesn't turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it and excites their endeavors to mend it."
- William Penn, quoted by Thomas DiBacco, in Made in the USA
"Make no mistake-the workplace is this nation's great unrecognized church; each work place, each profession has its own culture, its own set of values. They are largely unexamined, but they are relentlessly inculcated, relentlessly enforced. For many this religion is more persuasive, more powerful than anything they observe Sunday. It can become a false God we place before the real one."
- Chris Satullo
"The eyes of faith behold a wonderful scene: That of countless numbers of lay people, both men and woman, busy at work in their daily life and activity, oftentimes for from view and unacclaimed by the world, unknown to the world's great personages, but nonetheless looked upon in love by the Father, untiring laborers who work in the Lord's vineyard. Confident and steadfast through the power of God's grace, these are the humble yet great builders of the kingdom of God in history."
- Pope John Paul II, Christ's Faithful People