邵高敦牧師(Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith)講座
Vocation and the Transitions of Life and Work
講員:邵高敦牧師(Gordon T. Smith)
第一、二講:Thinking Vocationally of Our Life and Work(英語演講,粵語傳譯)
第三講:The Transitions of Life, Work and Career: Learning from Adult Developmental Psychology(英語演講,不設傳譯)
主辦:宣道會北角堂、Vocatio Creation合辦
Vocatio Creation, in conjunction with North Point Alliance Church, have invited Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith (previously academic dean and associate professor of spiritual theology of Regent College Vancouver) to deliver three lectures on "Vocation and the Transitions of Life and Work" at North Point Alliance Church during August 11-13.
Lecture 1 & 2: Thinking Vocationally of Our Life and Work (Cantonese interpretation provided)
Date: 11 & 12 August 2006 (Fri. & Sat.)
Time: 7.30-9.30pm
Venue: North Point Alliance Church, 1/F, Fortress Metro Tower, 238 King’s Road, North Point
Lecture 3: The Transitions of Life, Work and Career: Learning from Adult Developmental Psychology (Lecture conducted in English only)
Date: 13 August 2006 (Sun.)
Time: 2.30-4.30pm
Venue: North Point Alliance Church Grace Centre, 1/F, Block 7-9, City Garden Shopping Centre, 233 Electric Road, North Point
About Gordon Smith
Gordon T. Smith is currently the President of ReSource Leadership International (formerly Overseas Council Canada), which works to support and enable excellence in theological education in the developing world. He has previously served as the Academic Vice President and Dean as well as associate professor of spiritual theology of Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. Gordon has also pastored churches in both Canada and the Philippines. His publications include Courage & Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential, Listening to God in Times of Choice: The Art of Discerning God's Will, and The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer, and the Witness of the Spirit.
About Vocatio Creation
Vocatio Creation exists to help Christians discover and live out their vocation. Among other things, it organizes quality marketplace seminars and programs to foster in the believing community a deeper, more holistic understanding of Christian vocation and its ramifications in the marketplace.
These lectures are recommended to anyone who wants to take a thoughtful (and potentially life-changing) evaluation of where they are and what they're doing with their lives on earth. Especially helpful for those who are undergoing transitions through stages of life and wanting to sort out the vital issues that must be addressed to make these transitions successful. They're also valuable resource for educators, Sunday school teachers, fellowship mentors, counselors, and pastors.
for information, please contact the following:
Vocatio Creation Limited
Helping people discover and live out their vocation
Suite A, 12/F, Empire Land Commercial Centre
81-85 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Email: smithlectures@vocatiocreation.com.hk
Tel.: (852) 3101-9588
Fax: (852) 2873-7473