Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith
Conversion and Transformation:
Enabling Personal and Social Transformation in the Marketplace
23-26 October 2008
"職場裡面個個都係成年人,點樣傳福音? 得把口講,駛得嗎?…"
"My CEO is a devoted Christian, but the ethos here is very much pagan. How come? …"
This course is about the theology of conversion and spiritual transformation, and its implications for the church, the workplace and evangelism. It enables students to think critically and theologically about the nature and character of conversion, demonstrating that a comprehensive experience of conversion is essential for spiritual transformation and a meaningful presence in the marketplace. It will examine the theological rationale for programs that foster conversion and spiritual formation in an adult/work context, and empower the church to proclaim a Gospel that is relevant to today’s marketplace. As a primary focus, the Weekend Intensive enables students to see how understanding their own conversions will foster self-knowledge and personal transformation.
About Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith
Gordon T. Smith grew up in Ecuador and is president of reSource Leadership International, an agency that seeks to foster excellence in theological education in the developing world. Formerly vice president, academic dean and associate professor of spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, his particular area of interest is the theology of religious experience. Gordon is an ordained pastor of The Christian and Mission Alliance and has served in pastoral appointments in Canada and the Philippines. Visit his blog at www.gordontsmith.com
Participants may participate in the entire program or any of the Open Lectures. The Weekend Intensive is NOT offered as a stand alone session.
Oct 23 (Thu) 7:30-9:30pm
Open Lecture One The Language of Revivalism Has Failed Us – Re-Framing Conversion for Marketplace Christians 〔何謂信耶穌?從奮興運動說起〕
Revivalism has given the church a particular understanding of conversion – but is this understanding biblical and helpful? And is it a language that has empowered the church for personal and social transformation? This lecture will provide a comprehensive summary of this “language” and propose that we should allow the New Testament to re-frame our language.
Oct 24 (Fri) 7:30-9:30pm
Open Lecture Two Conversion is (Only) a Good Beginning: The Call to Personal and Social Transformation 〔信主僅是開始:個人更新與社會改革的呼召〕
We will only have a New Testament understanding of conversion if we recognize that conversion is not an end, but a means to an end: is the foundation on which we build the house, it is the starting gate for a spiritual pilgrimage – a journey. This lecture will do two things: (1) outline a vision for the mature Christian life (transformation); and (2) suggest what conversion needs to look like if this transformation is to occur.
Oct 25 (Sat) 9:00am-6:15pm
Weekend Intensive - Day One
Oct 26 (Sun) 3:00-6:00pm
Weekend Intensive - Day Two
Tsimshatsui Swatow Christian Church (尖沙咀潮人生命堂), 25 Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
For further information, please contact at +852 2144 4900 (tel); +852 3575 7414 (fax); conv@vocatiocreation.com.hk
The course is offered by Vocatio Creation and HKPES, in partnership with TST Swatow Christian Church, Evangelical Community Church & Central Gospel Mission. Both Lectures and Weekend Intensive will be conducted in English only.