星期六, 8月 26, 2006

Is Business a Christian Calling?


Dear friends,

The business environment has a dreadful reputation – corporate greed and competition are evident, and we have recently seen, all over the world, several cases of fraud. In the light of this, we might well ask, “Should Christians have anything to do with business?”

There is no contempt for business expressed in the Bible. Jesus used lots of images drawing on business life – he talked of wages and investment and there is even a reference to bank deposits! The Bible clearly envisages business activity as normal in human interaction.

A fundamental biblical theme is that we are to live a life worthy of our calling as Christians, and this goes for all realms of life. Everything we do, in every realm of life, is a calling, but can we truly say we have a calling to be in business? And what does this mean in terms of daily outworking? ...... It does not mean that everything we do is perfect – we are imperfect humans in an imperfect world – and so, the business world is not perfect.

Vocatio Creation is pleased to partner with Catholic friends in the Living Faith Society/Talentum Bookstore to offer two seminars on "Calling in Business" in September (see below posting). Sherman Lam and Kevin Kwan will share with you how they make senses of business life as part of their callings, and how they see God in the business world. Their stories might not be glorious victories, but are sober reflections in their seeking to walk with God.

Hope to see you there.

Vocatio Creation Limited
Helping people discover and live out their vocations
Suite A, 12/F, Empire Land Commercial Centre
81-85 Lockhart Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Email: vcl@vocatiocreation.com.hk
Tel.: (852) 3582-4063
Fax: (852) 3575-7414


Dorothy Sayers(1893-1957)



:: 內  容 ::

6/9 亦正亦邪的商場呼召?

13/9 爭分奪秒──天主在哪裡?

日期: 2006年9月6、13日(星期三)
時間: 晚上7:30-9:30
地點: 塔冷通心靈書舍(油麻地彌敦道523號禮基大廈一樓AB室)/(油麻地地鐵站 B1出口)
費用: 每講 $100(塔冷通會員九五折)
報名: 2782 2027 / 9786 7521 (信仰生活互動坊 / 梁小姐)
查詢: info@livingfaith.org.hk / vcl@vocatiocreation.com.hk